Board Members
The Rubidoux Community Services District (District) is governed by five elected members of the community. Each member is elected to a four-year term. The role of the Board of Directors is to provide oversight and establish the governing policies of the Rubidoux Community Services District.
As the governing body for the District, the Board of Directors only act at regular meetings or special meetings as provided by law. A minimum of three Directors are required for a quorum to conduct the business of the District. Individual Directors have no power to act for the District, the Board of Directors, or to direct District staff. Under the California Special District's law, the Board of Directors assigns the responsibility for the day-to-day management and operations of the District to the General Manager.
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53234, et. seq., all members of the Board of Directors are required to receive two hours of public agency ethics training within one year of election or appointment to the Board of Directors, and at least once every two years thereafter. All ethics training is to be provided using training guidelines established by the California Attorney General and the Fair Political Practices Commission. The General Manager and other designated management staff members are also required to receive the same ethics training.