Bernard Murphy, Director

An engineer by trade, Bernard Murphy understands water and wastewater infrastructure. Appointed to the Rubidoux Community Services District board of directors in April 2016, Murphy was then elected to the board in November of that same year.
Murphy has worked for more than 25 years in the engineering industry, starting out at JF Davidson right after graduating from Cal Poly Pomona. His career has included stays at the Army Corps of Engineers, Keith Companies in Las Vegas, Hewitt Zollars in Orange County, and Hunsacker; his specialty in engineering is in storm drain projects. In 2006, Murphy launched Wilson Murphy Engineering. His company works on engineering projects throughout Southern California.
This self-described life-long learner grew up in Oakland, attending schools in the Bay Area. Murphy continues to add to his education from Cal Poly Pomona, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, by taking engineering master’s degree level course work at the University of Las Vegas and the University of California at Irvine.
Although his first job was delivering newspapers for the Alameda Times Star, he also fixed cars, which continues to be one of his passions. He has a ‘74 GMC Jimmy that he invests time in.
Murphy’s interest in public service was nurtured early on by his family, who volunteered their home’s basement as a polling place in the ‘70s and ‘80s. He has continued this legacy by volunteering to work at the polls and handout ballots since about 2000 for his home precinct.
“I first became interested in voting when I was 8 or 9 when people voted in our basement,” Murphy described. His mother worked on numerous local Bay Area commissions such as the effort to get a new library in Alameda. He got involved in high school politics and was the senior student representative to the local school board in 1983. With his engineering background, Murphy decided to continue his service to the community and political system by joining the Rubidoux board.
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Term Ends December 1, 2028
Ethics Cetificate Murphy.pdf