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Brian Laddusaw, General Manager

Man in a blue suit with a red tie, smiling against a dark textured background.

Brian Laddusaw began his career with Rubidoux Community Services District in 2019 as the Director of Finance and Administration where he was responsible for overseeing the activities and operations of the finance, accounting, customer service, human resources and risk management functions. Brian was recently promoted to General Manager where he will oversee and manage all District functions and leaders. Brian is a California native and attended the University of California San Diego, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with a minor in Accounting and History. He is also a licensed Certified Public Accountant with the State of California. Brian was previously employed with CliftonLarsonAllen LLP as an Audit Manager, where he oversaw the planning, execution, and reporting of audit engagements. While at Clifton Larson Allen, Brian was a member of the Districts external audit team.

When Brian is not busy leading the District, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons, coaching his sons' T-Ball team, camping, and playing recreational sports. We are honored to have Brian as part of the Rubidoux Community Services District team and are confident he will be a great leader and asset to the District.
